#BAconnected…Speed Dating!


He who asks…finds himself (or, in this case, herself) put in charge 😛

We had a great inaugural turn-out to the first #BAconnected chat last week.  In an effort to keep the momentum going, allow new “Tweeps” a good opportunity to get comfortable with the chat process…and just have a bit of fun, tonight we break the ice a bit and get to know fellow TIGERS (and any other awesome people who choose to join us).

Tonight’s questions for you overachiever Tweeps:

Q1: Rank & file – Who are you, where do you teach/work & what’s your daily gig? #BAconnected

Q2 What do you like to do to unwind & relax? #BAconnected

Q3 If your life had a soundtrack, what song would play for the period in which you were your students age? #BAconnected 

Q4 Which is your favorite genre of movies – comedy/thriller/action? #BAconnected 

Q5 What gives you greatest joy in your life? #BAconnected 

Q6 What made you decide on education (you did it for the money, right???)? #BAconnected 

Q7 What is one of your hidden talents? #BAconnected 

Q8 If you couldn’t teach, what would be your dream occupation? #BAconnected 

Q9 What would you do if you won the lottery? #BAconnected

Q10  If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for? #BAconnected 

Q11 What’s your most embarrassing school moment? #BAconnected